Laughing Squid presents:
a living artists series
Dedicated to the endless and endearing complexity of living artists.
Visual and vocal presentations by the artists themselves on the third
Sunday of each month.

Check out IMAGES from
Tentacle Session #35
The Women of SRL
and more on the SRL website
the Tentacle Sessions t-shirt!
Want to buy one?
Never forget the
Tentacle Sessions
of the past!
1850 Cesar Chavez
$5-$10 sliding scale
7:30pm-??? [doors at 7pm]
and then it's really over!
The Tentacle Sessions is a living artists series. Though many artists
are conveniently and centrally located in museums and in art books on
coffee tables, the Tentacle Sessions is dedicated to the assertion that
close encounters with living artists are a vital experience.
Each Session features one or more artists presenting their work and
the how and why around it (by visuals, by performance, and by the good
old uttered word). Featured artists run the gamut from traditional visual
artists to performers of all kinds and those who defy easy (or conventional)
Please join our audience, share one evening a month with some of the
more complicated minds of our moment. Mark the 3rd Sunday of each month
as a special occasion: the evening of the Tentacle Sessions.
For six years Laughing
Squid and the associated Squid
List email list have been facilitating attendance at arts events
of all shapes and sizes. The Laughing Squid website is a nexus for such
sharp edged happenings as the ArtCar
Fest, SEEMEN, Circus
Redickuless, and on and on. The squid tentacles point the way to
underground and overground events which share a certain spark characteristic
of the live arts in San Francisco and the greater Bay Area. The Tentacles
Sessions extend that mission as a live series drawing from the same
sea of talent.
The final Tentacle Sessions
will be produced by:
Danielle Engelman & Mikl-em
Sessions producers of the past:
Scott Beale D.S. Black
Helena Nolan John Law