The Tentacle Sessions Tentacle Session #9
Sunday, October 17, 1999

Don Herron
Bookmarks, Bars,
Jack Tales and Movie Stars

Don Herron

On October 17, 1999 Don Herron gave the Tentacle Session audience a pre-Halloween treat by sharing a menagarie of tales, tall and otherwise. From traditional Jack Tales (which Herron learned from the American master storyteller himself, Ray Hicks) to anecdotal documents of his own life and adventures such as "Stephen King Critic" and "My Favorite Bookmark", there were yarns aplenty.

Herron's The Dashiell Hammett Tour is the oldest walking tour in San Francisco, and in his stewardship of it for more than 20 years he has secured himself a reputation as "one of the most memorable characters in San Francisco" according to the New York Times. He is known in literary circles for his scholarship on such authors as Clark Ashton Smith and absurdist crime writer Charles Willeford.

Blues harmonica great R. J. Mischo opened the show. Mischo's albums include Ready to Go and Gonna Rock Tonight.

Relevant websites:
Don Herron's website
Herron's Willeford
a review of Herron's Willeford
Don Herron's books on sale at

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