Tentacle Session #36   :   Sunday 18 August 2002

Jarico Reese

anarchist bowler
bike manipulator
mad scientist

relieved the summer doldrums with...


Jarico Reese is many things: a mad scientist, a clown, a manic mechanic, a turntablist of the posthumous, a psycho cyclist, and the one and only Dr. Electro Glycerine. From his humble beginnings as a boy-socialist runaway who was struck by bowling anarchists... well, it only gets more straight-forward from there.

Through Cacophony and Soikus-Redickluelessness, a man called Chicken, a Bike Club called "Hard Times", and a camp called Peddle. People get ready, for the man from Minneapolis. You've never ridden a bike as tall as he has. Let alone without brakes.

Maybe Jarico said it best when he confessed:

I could have been a success. Fuck that.

Or maybe he didn't. Maybe that's the tip of a Tentacle Session iceberg that you won't wanna miss.

Get vigilant. Defend yourself from ignorance.
Get your War on, mo-ron.

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