Tentacle Session
#32 : Sunday 21 April 2002
Donald the Nut
Transcendental Lint
an art and nerd fashion show
April 21st was an evening that will be writ large in the Annals of Eerie-Deuced Results, as Donald the Nut presented a 22 year retroNERDintrospective including the work of his band Three Day Stubble, price-fluxing Mocktioneering, mutated Gong Show-ology, and a Runaway Nerd Fashion Show.
1980, Donald has been the crazed front-man for Three
Day Stubble, a nerd rock band that explores the glory
and horror of white American culture turned inward upon itself,
and the incestuous, expulsive ramifications of our free
and, um, democratic society.
The session ran overtime with a special LIVE
Three Day Stubble prim-promptu jam!!!